I wonder if Git could replace subersion repsitory. Some years ago as an early adaptor of subversion my only problem was that the actual repository cannot be sychronized with other repositories. Git is a distributed versioning system so this shouldn t be a problem(
http://betterexplained.com/articles/intro-to-distributed-version-control-illustrated/). But Git seems not to have a broad tool support - eg for eclipse.
So what do I like of subversion:
- Easy command line use and good integration into the OS and into my tools
- Web access out of the box, and fancy web access using websvn
- Synchronize files everywhere
- works through most firewalls
- Geruila subversion possible (subversion without a server)
Actually I don t want to loose any of this properties. So lets check out Git....
As an introduction I watched the video of Linus Torvalds:
He created the initial draft for Git within 2 week. During his speech I realized that this guy has NO GLUE about versioning systems. His knowledge is based on tarballs/diff and on CVS. Systems like subversion or perforce have much more funtionality and better design. But for Linus every versioning systems must be the same as CVS. That is sad.
The good thing is that I realized that you call pull versions not from a central repository but from any working copy. This is kind a cool. It is like everybody has a copy of the central server - so local copy also hold the history. There are also some public repositories available (eg
Based on this information I will stick to subversion. I do not need a p2p versioning system. One central server with a convenient web based view is good for me.